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    Tue, 05 Jul 2005

    Riding in Germany & UK

    While I was in Germany I rented a bike from a place near the hotel and went for a bit of a spin. I'd planned to do some riding while away so had brought most of my riding gear with me so basically just needed a bike. A small saddle bag and waterbottle bought from the shop did rounded things out.

    I ended up doing a bit over 40km in 2 hours and was just a great way to see the countryside. On the advice of the folk at the bike shop I rode up to a watertower above the town as a starting point, then found the Boblingen/Sindelfingen bike route which as I hoped turned out to be a nice loop from Sindelfingen to Boblingen and back.

    This was the first time I'd ridden in a new area let alone a new country while on business and it was just a blast. Was a delightful way to really see the scenery with far less pressure than when driving which, largely due to the whole left hand drive/right hand drive thing requires quite a bit more concentration than usual. Higher speeds obviously contribute too as it doesn't really do to be looking at the scenery at automotive speeds. Being on a bike on a dedicated cycle path allows a lot more comfort in just looking about.

    The following weekend I went to the UK to see family and friends and attend a family wedding (which was very nice, but I digress). On the Sunday evening stayed with a mate of mine, Roger. Roger and I ended up doing about a 15km ride around some traditional English country roads which was most pleasant. Even stopped at his local for a pint (or in my case a half :)

    Bit odd to be back on two wheels but not too bad. Missed the beach chair style accomodations of the trike though...

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