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    Wed, 12 Jan 2005

    Meeting the "OzHPV_Canberra_Mob"

    There's a local recumbent Yahoo group/mailing list called OzHPV_Canberra_Mob with about forty members. This morning I was able to join their regular Wednesday morning breakfast run.

    Pre sunrise start to the day, met bje's brother Matt just near our place then headed down towards Lake Burley Griffin to meet up with the rest of the mob. Took a pic of the trike just before meeting Matt as well as a couple enroute. That's Matt on the bike.

    Met up with the mob - about half a dozen and proceeded on a 10km run around the western end then up the southern shore of Lake Burley Griffin. Very picturesque, almost a magical feel with the sun still low in the sky. Even had to brake for a kangaroo at one point. As expected, everyone was on recumbents, all bikes except for myself and another rider on a Trisled. The Trisled belonged to Dave who kindly suggested some worthwhile improvements to my riding technique as we went along. He and his partner had recently returned from a 1000+km tour around France on their trikes. Neato!

    We proceeded around the foreshore of the lake past the National Gallery and High Court then on through to Kingston. The smooth concrete of the foreshore affording Dave a surface on which to demonstrate that trikes can indeed be ridden on two wheels. A manoeuver I am for now content to merely aspire to...

    We were joined by a couple more folk in Kingston at one of the local cafes. Combination of interesting conversation and a yummy and, after nearly an hours riding, welcome, breakfast rounded out the mornings proceedings. Took a quick photo of the parking area before we decamped to work. Very friendly bunch and, frankly, a delightful start to the day!

    Took it pretty easy on the ride home that afternoon as temperatures were over 35C/95F, still making good time (~55 minutes) All told some 45km for the day which puts me at around 270km since I took delivery.

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    Mac mini. Nice.

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