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    Fri, 29 Oct 2004

    Visiting a friend and buying a piano while you're there

    For several years I've wondered if I'd actually play more if we had a simple piano upstairs. As it stands my keyboard rig is downstairs and requires at least three switches to be thrown to get any sound, plus I'm away from the rest of the family so it makes it somewhat anti-social. Rachael has also shown an interest in the piano which we'd like to encourage.

    Wanted to catch up with Chris before upcoming trip so dropped in to see him at the shop on the way in to work. As always a good yak and had quite a long play on a Yamaha CLP-120 while he attended to calls etc. The CLP-120 is a model or two up from the base in their Clavinova (aka Digital Piano) range, sounded very nice and the graded hammer action was comfortable to play.

    He's dropping one over tomorrow :)

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